A Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree is a higher level certificate that many businesses and groups look for when hiring a candidate for a management position. Many schools across the country offer MBA programs that require the student to research and write many papers throughout the course of the program. Typically, professors want the papers to be written in MBA style, which borrows its form from the American Psychological Association style of writing academic papers.
Step 1
Open a new document using the word processing program of your choice. Set the font to 12 points and choose a true type font. Times New Roman and Aerial are common choices. Set the paragraph spacing to "Double Spaced" and set all of the margins to 1 inch. Set the text to justified to keep all indents on the left side of the page.
Step 2
Number the first page with a "1" in the upper right-hand corner. Include your PIN number if your instructor tells you to do so 1/2 inch to the left of the page number. Type the title of the paper, your name, the course title and the date on this page, centered with the first line 3 inches from the top of the page.
Step 3
Use a page number in the upper right-hand corner of every page, starting with "2" on the first page of text after the title page. When typing the content, never use bold in the body; use italics if you wish to add emphasis. Use bold when creating a header and center the header in the text with a space before and after.
Step 4
Use citations whenever you are quoting a resource, whether it is a direct quote or a paraphrase. If you are uncertain if you need to cite a source or not, include it. Citations are added at the end of a sentence and include the author's name and the year enclosed in parentheses.
Step 5
Include a page of references at the end of the paper. Organize the list alphabetically by author and include a space between each one. Each reference should start with an indentation and include (in this order) the author's last name, the year, the title of the work, the city where it was published and the name of the publisher. If you are citing a source that is not a book, such as a newspaper article or website, include as much information as you have access to.
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Writer Bio
Chris Waller began writing in 2004. Chris has written for the "Fulton Sun" and eHow, focusing on technology and sports. Chris has won multiple awards for his writing including a second place award in the Missouri Press Association's Better Newspaper Contest. Chris earned Bachelor of Arts degrees in journalism and English from Truman State University.