Depending on the school you decide to go to, you may enter barber school with or without standard credentials like a high school diploma. Because the requirements for entering barber school vary by state, it's best to select a school you're most interested in from a list of approved schools and contact them about requirements.
High School Diploma
States like Montana require students to have their high school diploma or GED before applying to barber school. In this case, have a copy of your diploma on hand for when you visit the school to fill out an application.
Entrance Exams or Testing
In states like Illinois, where you don't need a high school diploma to apply for barber school, you'll most likely have to take an entrance exam to be considered for acceptance. The tests typically assesses general knowledge like math and reading comprehension, and will not usually be about barbering specifically.
Financial Aid or Assistance
Without the money to finance your barber schooling, you obviously can't attend classes. According to, "Program costs vary significantly by school, from around $2,000 to more than $11,000. All reputable programs are geared towards preparing students to pass state licensing exams."
Not only do you need to make a sizable deposit up front to enter school, you must also pay for your supplies and books if not already included in tuition, the fees for testing, and the fees to obtain your license upon completion of barber school.
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Writer Bio
Tandeace Hairston's articles appear in relationship and family publications. She's been named "Best Writer" by the National Association of Black Journalists, is founder and president of HeartShape Relationship Advocacy, Inc. and is publishing her first book on healthy relationships in 2012. Hairston holds a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Temple University and a Master of Arts in Christian counseling from Jacksonville Theological Seminary.