Field trips can yield information in the form of plaques, promotional materials, brochures or pieces of art. To cite field trips, generally reference the material as you would for a lecture. From statehouse excursions to recycling center visits, students can learn directly from experienced professionals. They should cite the information appropriately for class assignments in Modern Language Association or American Psychological Association format.
Field Trips, MLA
Begin with the speaker's last name, followed by a comma and the speaker's first name. Provide the lecture's title in quotation marks. State the organization where the speaker presented. Following this, use commas to list the name of the building, the city and abbreviated state and date -- or n.d. if the date cannot be determined -- of the presentation. Close with a note on the type of presentation referenced, such as Keynote Address or Guest Lecture. A tour at the statehouse would be referenced as:
McTour, Guidey. "The History of the Statehouse". SouthNewState Statehouse. Statehouse Rotunda: Fakescitysville, SNS, DD Month YYYY.
Field Trips, APA
Begin with the speaker's last name, comma, first name and middle initial, if applicable, followed by a period. Provide the presentation year inside parentheses. This is followed by the speech's name, given in italics. Only the first word and subsequent proper nouns should be capitalized. Close, using commas to separate, with these pieces of information: Personal collection of (insert speaker's name), name of the place that the lecture occurred, city and abbreviated state name. A statehouse tour example would look like this:
McTour, G. (YYYY). The history of the Statehouse. Personal Collection of Guidey McTour, SouthNewState Statehouse Rotunda, Fakecitysville, SNS.
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Writer Bio
Tara Haughney is a dually certified elementary general and special educator, with teaching experience in Baltimore City Public Schools. She has been working to support youth education through community organizations and schools since 2004. Haughney holds a Bachelor of Arts in international affairs from Northeastern University and an MAT from Notre Dame of Maryland University.