Financing your college education can be a stretch. If you do not qualify for financial aid, and a loan is not what you want, some nationally accredited colleges will allow you to pay your tuition with a monthly payment. Normally these payments must be complete by the end of the semester.
Bethel University
Bethel University is nationally accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The academic program offers more than 100 different programs between two colleges, a graduate school and seminary. Students can major in arts and sciences, Christian studies or education. The school offers professional certificates, associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Bethel University is a nondenominational Christian university in Minnesota.
Bethel University 3900 Bethel Drive St. Paul, MN 55112-6999 651-638-6400

Ashworth College
Located in Norcross, Georgia, Ashworth College offers high school diplomas, career certificates, associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees in more than 100 programs. Areas of study are the arts and sciences, professional training and business. Ashworth College is nationally accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council. All programs are delivered online or through correspondence. Ashworth uses the FasTrack system to help students earn their degrees quickly, yet at their own pace.
Ashworth College 430 Technology Parkway Norcross, Georgia 30092 1-800-957-5412

South Suburban University
The Higher Learning Commission nationally accredits South Suburban University. A variety of certificates, diplomas and associate degrees are offered. Areas of study are the arts and sciences, health and education. Most associate degrees are designed for transfer to a four-year college. Classes are offered on campus or via distance learning with some on-campus requirements.
South Suburban University 15800 South State St. South Holland, IL 60473-1200 708-596-2000

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Writer Bio
Sheila Holloway began writing seriously in the early 1990s. Since then, she has worked as a writer, most recently for eHow, and as a professional romance novelist until the close of her publishing company in 2008. Holloway holds a Bachelor of Science in education, an MAT and is completing a doctorate.