Improving a school is not necessarily cheap or easy, but improvements do need to be made every so often. Fundraisers can be useful, as can grants for improvements. The website has grant information that will be helpful. Keep checking back at the site for new opportunities, and look for other resources as well.

Improving a school goes along with improving education. Improvements can be made on an academic level and on a structural level.

School Improvement Ideas

Improve school buildings by upgrading different areas when needed. Try incorporating solar power to drive electric and heating bills down. Be sure an old school is updated to removes asbestos. Check to see if the plumbing system is up to code.

Invest in better seating for students, as they spend much time sitting. Think about ergonomics when considering desks, chairs and other work areas. Do the same for staff.

Update technological teachings, as students and adults are using technology more and more each year, both in their personal and professional lives. Do this often so that students are not behind. Make sure the proper equipment is used, and that staff has the appropriate training to handle any questions.

Update the school lunch program. Keep it nutritious by eliminating processed foods, as well as anything that is not 100% whole grain or wheat. Try to use as much organically grown produce as possible.

Get rid of vending machines, or update them to serve healthy foods and drinks of single servings. Do not allow them to contain containers of more than one serving of a given food or drink.

Be sure that the school store is selling healthy snacks, rather than junk food and carbonated drinks.

Create a school garden. Get students involved in every aspect. Make it completely organic and big enough to cut food bills significantly for the school. Hold classes on canning, freezing and drying the fresh produce and herbs. Earn money for the school by offering classes on these topics to community members.

Start a composting system at the school, and also delve into vermicomposting.

Start a recycling program at the school that works. Incorporate ways throughout the school to reduce what resources are used, find ways to reuse items and recycle as many items as possible.

Start a thrift shop at the school to help fund needed improvements and incorporate a yard sale in spring and fall, as these are great ways to recycle items. Allow students to market these events and they will learn important skills to use later in life.

Teach students not to take advantage of things just because they are available.


Home economics and shop classes will learn important skills by repairing items donated to the school thrift store.

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