At the beginning of each year college students in need of financial aid must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, to determine how much financial aid they can receive to pay for college. Once you fill out your FAFSA application you submit it to the federal government for review. Upon submission of your application you will receive a confirmation page that you should print and keep for your school and personal records.
Log on to your account on the FAFSA website to fill out your student aid application. If you have never filed an online FAFSA before you are prompted to create an account.
Complete your FAFSA using your personal information, financial information and your parent’s financial information – only applicable if your parents claim you as a dependent on their income tax return.
Review the information you provided on your application; correct any mistakes and submit your application to the federal government.
Print your confirmation page when it appears after you submit your application. Go to the top of your computer screen and click on the printer button – or right click your mouse anywhere on the page to bring up a menu of options including “Print” and click on it. Choose the number of copies you want to print and whether or not you want to print your confirmation page in color. Make sure your printer is turned on and click “Print”.
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Writer Bio
Tiffany Raiford has several years of experience writing freelance. Her writing focuses primarily on articles relating to parenting, pregnancy and travel. Raiford is a graduate of Saint Petersburg College in Florida.