All aspiring models have the option of sending their photos to modeling agencies. For those that allow email submissions, getting your shot at being a model is only a mouse-click away. Don't let the ease of the process fool you into thinking that you can make a casual submission, though -- there are a couple of ways you can ensure that your email doesn't get deleted or sent to the spam folder.
Get the right email addresses for the agencies you are interested in being signed by. Go to their websites and get the right address to send emails to. Some agencies have one generic email address, while others list different people who represent different modeling divisions within the agency. Be sure to send your email to the appropriate person.
Once you have the email address, you'll need to know exactly what photos and information the agency wants. This can also be found on their website. Never submit blind emails without knowing what is required. Most agencies require photos, your full name, age, measurements and contact information. Don't leave anything out or they will delete your email.
When it comes to photos, make sure you attach only the ones the agency asks for on its website. If it says the agents do not want professional photos, then send non-pro digital ones.
Make sure your digital images are good quality. No distorted, Photoshopped or pixilated photos. Keep the photos in color and avoid black and white as well as sepia. Your photos should be simple and shot against a plain white background. No "Myspace" type photos with fish-face lips, odd angles or hair in your face. Have someone take the photo for you and look directly into the camera.
Be aware of size limits on the photos. Many agencies don't want to get bogged down with huge files, so if they say to only send images that are 1MB or less, don't send a photo that is 1.5MB. Being able to follow directions is extremely important at this stage. However, don't make your photos too tiny in size. Make sure to resize your images properly without losing the quality.
Make a checklist of the info the agency wants via email and be sure that you've fulfilled all of the requirements before hitting the "send" button. Also proofread your email. Typos are no-nos. Avoid writing long-winded emails introducing yourself and how you've been dreaming of being a model since you were 5. Keep it brief and straight to the point.
Now you play the waiting game! Interested agencies will either email you back or give you a call to set up an appointment.
If you do not hear back from the agency within a certain amount of time, chances are they are not interested so try another agency or resubmit your photos at a later time. Most agency websites say how long it takes for them to respond to email submissions and many allow you to resubmit after six months to a year. When sending your submission to an agency via email, make sure your email address is a professional one. is not professional. Open a new email account if you have to and try to keep it simple. Your first name or first and last name in your email address is ideal.
Do not send follow up emails asking if the agency has received your submission. Also, do not call to check. When resubmitting, do not mention that you have submitted to them before. Chances are, they won't remember you or your email. Don't take it personally -- it's a business after all.
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- If you do not hear back from the agency within a certain amount of time, chances are they are not interested so try another agency or resubmit your photos at a later time. Most agency websites say how long it takes for them to respond to email submissions and many allow you to resubmit after six months to a year.
- When sending your submission to an agency via email, make sure your email address is a professional one. is not professional. Open a new email account if you have to and try to keep it simple. Your first name or first and last name in your email address is ideal.
- Do not send follow up emails asking if the agency has received your submission. Also, do not call to check.
- When resubmitting, do not mention that you have submitted to them before. Chances are, they won't remember you or your email. Don't take it personally -- it's a business after all.
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