Educational options must be provided for students who have been expelled from their public school. While these students are typically unable to attend public school again, several options remain available.

Public School Systems

While schools are not required to provide a program, some public schools provide an alternative education opportunity for expelled students. Many times, these classes take place on nights or weekends in place of their regular education. Parents and students should check with their local and surrounding school districts to see whether any schools take part in this plan.

Private Schools

Many alternative schools are available throughout the country that have been designed for students who were expelled from general public education. Some of these schools are free, but others are private schools that levy tuition. There are also private schools created for students struggling with violence, drug or alcohol addiction. Many times, these are the reasons for expulsion. Through one of these private schools, students can not only get help with their problem or addiction but also receive their education at the same time.

Internet Courses

Several associations, including the Distance Learning Training Council and the American School Independent Study Division, offer several programs and plans for Internet and correspondence courses to help students complete their education. These plans work particularly well for students who were expelled during their last year of school. By completing their final courses through the Internet and correspondence, they are able to obtain a high school diploma without finishing school in a traditional setting.


Each state has one or two home schooling associations that can provide support for parents and students who choose to home-school after an expulsion. Students must follow strict guidelines during home schooling and must use a designed curriculum in order to graduate. Because of the strict standards, students and parents should only choose home-schooling if they are willing to commit the time and effort it takes to complete school from home.

Appeal Process

Students and parents can appeal an expulsion. To appeal an expulsion, students who are at least 18 years old or their parents can write a letter to the state superintendent of public instruction. The letter should include the name of the student, the name of the school district, the date of the expulsion and the reason for the appeal.

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