The Associates of Arts degree is a two-year degree that can be obtained from an accredited school in the United States. The course requirements vary from school to school and usually include mathematics, English, science, history, humanities, psychology and speech/communications. The details of the requirements for your AA will vary depending on the school.
Placement Testing
You may be required to take placement testing depending on your school. If any testing is required your counselor will provide you with testing information including date and time. Most schools offer these test onsite and for an additional fee. These tests are used to determine your status as a student and your level of understanding of specific subjects. The test may include English and Math or other subjects based on your school's requirements. These assessment tests are used to determine if you have to take any remedial classes prior to starting your degree program. You can elect to take remedial classes if you desire, but these classes do not count for your degree plan. If you are required to take remedial classes based on your test results, you must complete all your remedial classes to beginning the college level course of the same classification.
Degree Plan
Your admissions counselor will provide you with a degree plan that outlines all the classes required to complete your AA degree. A degree plan is a list of classes and is usually divided up into sections based on the type of class. For example, all science classes will be listed in one group, math in another. You may be required to take several classes from one group.
Course Layout
Certain classes in your degree plan will have prerequisites that you must completed in a sequence. These classes include English, math and humanities classes. These classes are usually a prelude to the class it proceeds and usually provides you with a foundation that allows you to understand the class to come. Your guidance counselor will provide you with the information and your degree plan may list the prerequisites for each class that requires one.
Degree Hours
Sixty course hours are required to complete you associate degree. This does not include any remedial classes. Once you are near completion of your courses based on your degree plan you can meet with your counselor and apply for your degree. Your counselor will likely go through your degree plan and ensure that all your classes have been completed and that you will be able to obtain your degree.
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Writer Bio
Christell York has been writing professionally since 2008 for various websites and offline for "The Houston Press." She specializes in technical, automotive, travel, personal finance and food articles. York has a bachelor's degree in business management from the University of Phoenix and is currently seeking an associate degree in baking and pastries at the Art Institute of Houston.