Pacemaker technicians, also known as certified cardiographic technicians and Pacemaker/ICD technicians, are highly skilled professionals who work with patients who require a device to regulate their heartbeats. Pacemaker/ICD techs have a complete knowledge of noninvasive techniques and methods for diagnosing heart and vascular diseases.

Prerequisite Training

In the Carnegie Institute's Pacemaker/ICD technician program, students are required to have allied health training, college credits in science, math, anatomy and physiology and allied health training, as well as work experience in a clinical health care facility.

Entering Pacemaker technican training, students should have training and experience in health care.
••• Scrub Nurse image by Mary Beth Granger from <a href=''></a>

Required Courses

Required courses for training to be a Pacemaker/ICD technician can include studies in cardiac medications, physiology and anatomy, electrocardiography, basic physics, fundamentals of medical instrumentation and electronics, along with basic cardiac life support, vital signs and other primary medical studies.

Required courses cover an array of heart-related subjects.
••• syringe-medical image by JASON WINTER from <a href=''></a>

Advanced Study

Pacemaker/ICD technician programs may offer courses focused on implant procedures for permanent Pacemakers, the functions of pacing systems and hemodynamics---blood flow---during various pacing procedures. Additionally, students will likely be required to participate in clinical training and "hands-on" experiences in one or more clinical settings.


Important to finding employment as a Pacemaker technician is certification, which is almost always required by employers. Examinations for credentialing are administered by Cardiovascular Credentialing International.

Certification is generally required to work as a Pacemaker tech.
••• taking test image by Petro Feketa from <a href=''></a>

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